Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Ya Allah


Tahu  atau tidak bahawasanya nya kesabaran itu ada had nya..
jadi, kita sebagai hamba Allah yang lemah jgnlah sesekali terfikir nak mencabar kesabaran orang lain..
macamlah kita ni bagus sangat nak buat mcm tu pada orang lain.
Agree or not?
Unless you're very...very... patience people and you might not get angry if someone do something terrible in your daily life.
even, telah dikatakan oleh sahabat yang,
"saba ritu sebahagian daripada iman tapi sabar juga ada had.. orang yang tidak tahu marah seperti keldai." (lebih kuranglah ayat cmtu)

telah diumpakan sebegitu..
kita pun, jgnlah nak marah je selalu...
marah pun perlu ada sebab yang munasabah..bukan main terjah je
mau ko kena balik nanti.. hahaha

Know what, I just work here about 4 months and Alhamdulillah Allah ease everything..
yep, it is difficult at first but then a few steps get me in track to do my job.
but, something do bother me when one of my colleague do something that I take it seriously..
yup, it depends on people acceptance but how do you react when people keep look down on you.
not say that she said she is the best one but the way she communicate with me make me felt like trash or terrible. As all you know that actually I dont like people to be rude to me either verbally or physically.
she always like,

me: Akak, pergi Kuching ada apa? ( as I know she must be going for training or something in work field..but  I just want to know exactly what the hell she going there..)
Akak: Adalah..sibok je..( with loud voice)
me: dalam hati.. Ya Allah...sabar kan lah aq ni.. tanya pasal keje pun selalu kena camni.. maybe nanti kalo ada bad things happen to her then I will not come visiting her coz afraid to be called as Bz body...nak gitu ke??

Btw, I dont want to take it seriously but she always react like that when I'm asking her..am I look like stupid to you??..but I think you are the one who stupid to just make a menyampah reaction when I'm asking..

ni bukan 1st time die cmni..
kita ni baru, just wonder what they are doing and everything related to work.. not just simply busybody tanya hal personal..
so, lama2 bila selalu sgt kena sembur mcm aq ni xde perasaan, terus rasa menyampah gal dengan akk ni..
I try to be positive but sometimes it did bother me..
memanglah mungkin die nak bergurau sbb masa ckp tu die senyum2 tapi mcm selalu sgt..
and kalau bergurau pun, mesti lps mcm tu dia akan jwb juga pertanyaan kita tu..
Aq tau lah aq xtau pasal segala benda, sbb tu aq tanya nak ilmu dr awak..
bukan mintak kena sembur mcm ni..
Ya Allah...sabar jelah...
ish, xtaulah knp...tp rasa menyirap sgt..
I dont bother if I get angry to people but I do bother I get annoyed of rude people..
saya sgt pantang dengan orang yang rude tau..
xkesah kalo nak marah or pape,tp please dont be rude to me..
really I cant stand..
rasa nak meyumpah dah..
so, anubody there..yang baca blog ni..please lah faham perasaan orang..
kita ni bergurau kdg2 menyaitkan hati.. so be careful because people will get annoyed to you..
lontarkan ayat2 positif dgn org sekeliling..
nak bergurau boleh tp jgn sampai buat org bengang..
and lastly, I hope you guys doakanlah I ni supaya xpk akn sgt psl hal ni and just teruskan hidup tanpa rasa benci kat akk sengal ni...


p/s: tp korg  jgnlah judge akak ni jahat sgt plak.. she is nice person..cuma sekali sekala tu lah..rasa geram..hihihi